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neural control and coordination neet questions

Neural control and coordination neet questions

 Qus 1. how many laminase are present in the grey matter of spinal cord ?

a)  ten

b) eight

c) six

d) four


 Qus 2. which of the following is a motor nerve ?

a)  Trigeminal nerve

b) optic

c) auditory

d) aboducens


 Qus .3.ANS effects on -

a)  sensory

b) reflex actions

c) internal organs

d) none of these


 Qus 4. movement of tongue is under the control of -

a)  hypoglossal

b) facial

c) autonomic system

d) trigeminal


 Qus 5.which of the following is responsible for control of reflex actions?

a)  sympathetic nervous system

b) central nervous system

c) sensory nerves

d) motor nerves


 Qus 6.reflex action is controlled by -

a)  muscles 

b) central nervous system

c) autnomic nervous system

d) limbs


 Qus 7. reflex are consists of -

a)  sensory nerve

b) motor nerve

c) both motor and sensory

d) none of these


 Qus 8.9th pair of cranial nerve in human is 

a)  hypoglossal

b) trigeminal

c) glossopharyngeal

d) vagus


 Qus 9.which of the following crainal nerves is not a motor nerve -

a)  2

b) 3

c) 12

d) 4


 Qus 10.which cranial nerve provides taste sensation in anterior 2/3 part of tongue

a)  hypoglssal

b) glossopharyngeal

c) trigeminal

d) facial


neural control and coordination neet questions

 Qus 11.In a man ,if abducens nerve is injured ,which one of the following functions will be affected ?

a)  swallowing

b) movement of the neck

c) movement of the eye ball

d) movement of the tongue


 Qus 12. In emergence condition ,all changes occur in our body except 

a)  micturition is done

b) dilates blood vessels of brain ,lungs ,heart ,and striated muscle

c) brochodilation

d) heart beat increases


 Qus 13. which of  the following is not under the control of vagus nerve ?

a)  salivation

b) respiratory movement

c) gestrointestinal movement

d) none of these


 Qus 14. facial nerve is -

a)  motor and sensory

b) sensory

c) motor

d) none of these


 Qus 15.which of the following is released by parasympathtic nervous system ?

a)  serotonin

b) norepinephrine

c) acetylcholine

d) epinephrine


 Qus 16.number of cranial nerve in human is -

a)  20 pairs

b) 10 only

c) 10 pairs

d) 12 pairs


 Qus 17. after sympathetic stimulation ,which type of activities are not present in human being-

a)  semen ejaculation

b) micturition

c) tachycardia

d) bronchodilation


 Qus 18. number of spinal nerves in human -

a)  12 pairs

b) 37 pairs

c) 31 pairs

d) 32 pairs


 Qus 19.which nerve originates form medulla-

a)  occulomotor

b) trigeminal

c) vagus

d) optic


 neural control and coordination neet questions

Qus many pairs of cranial nerves are purely sensory

a)  three

b) four

c) two

d) five


 Qus 21. all spinal nerves are -

a)  sensory

b) mixed

c) motor

d) none of the above


 Qus 22.which of the following nerve helps in maintaining the equilibrium of body -

a)  facial

b) abuducens

c) auditory

d) trochlear


 Qus 23. autonomic nervous system controls -

a)  reflex actions

b) functioning of spinal cord

c)  functioning of visceral organs

d) conditoned reflexes


 Qus 24. optic nerve is the -

a)  fifth cranial nerves

b) seventh cranial nerve

c) second cranial nerve

d) ninth cranial nerve


 Qus 25.  norepinephrine leads to increase in -

a)  release of epinephrine

b) urine production 

c) blood pressure

d) cellular respiration


 Qus 26. If parasympathetic nerve is cut ,then heart beat -

a)  stop

b) decreases

c) unaffected

d) increases


 Qus 27.conservation of energy take place by -

a)  sympathetic nervous system

b) reflex action

c) parasympathetic  nervous system

d) none


 Qus 28. the cranial and spinal nerves are included under -

a)  peripheral nervous system

b) autonomic nervous system

c) central  nervous system

d) cutaneous nervous system


 Qus 29. which of the following cranial nerves of human are mixed in nature -

a)  trochlear and vagus 

b) auditory and olfactory

c) vagus and trigeminal

d) optic and vagus


 neural control and coordination neet questions

Qus 30. which of the following spinal nerves does not found in human -

a)  cervical nerves

b) sacral nerves

c) lumbar nerves

d) caudal nerves


 Qus 31.the two additional cranial nerves present in mammals are -

a)  trigeminal and glossopharyngeal

b) pharyngeal and vagus

c) spinals accessory and hypoglossal

d) hypoglossal and scitic


 Qus 32.stimulation of sympathetic nervous system causes -

a)  erection of hair

b) dilation of bronchi and pupil

c) contriction of blood vessels and high blood pressure

d) all of the above


 Qus 33.sense of smell is by -

a)  hypothalamus

b) cerebellum

c) cerebrum

d) olfactory lobe


 Qus 34 .the optic lobe in humans are represented by the corpora -

a)  quadrigemina

b) striata

c) bigemina

d) arenacea


 Qus 35. which of the following is not an organ of the central nervous system -

a)  brain 

b) spinal cord

c) medulla oblongata

d) vagus


 Qus 36. ventral root of spinal nerve has -

a)  motor fibers

b) sensory fibers

c) sensory and motor fibers

d) none of these


 Qus 37. cavity in spinal cord is called -

a)  neurocoel

b) blastocoel

c) enterocoel

d) schizocoel


 Qus 38. which nerve is purely motor -

a)  vagus

b) trigeminal 

c) abducens

d) olfactory


 Qus 39 . purely motor cranial nerve includes -

a)  I,V, VII

b) III ,IV ,VI ,XI

c) I ,II ,IV 

d) none of above


 Qus 40.smallest cranial nerve is -

a)  VII- cranial nerve

b) II -cranial nerve

c) X -cranial nerve

d) VI - cranial nerve


 neural control and coordination neet questions

Qus 41. which of the following is not an organ of the central nervous system -

a)  spinal cord

b) brain

c) medulla

d) vagus


 Qus 42 . cavity in spinal is called -

a)  enterocole

b) neurocole

c) blastocole

d) schizocole


 Qus 43. last end of spinal cord is called -

a)  filum terminale

b) conus medullaris

c) funiculus

d) cauda equina


 Qus 44. heart is innervated by -

a)  facial

b) vagus

c) trigeminal

d) glossopharyngeal



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