Chapter 6 - Anatomy of Flowering Plants- Questions and Answers
Qus 1. In a woody dicotyledonous tree, which of the following parts will mainly consist of primary permanent tissues?
a) Stem and root
b) All parts
c) Shoot tips and root tips
d) Flowers, fruits and leaves
Qus 2. When secondary growth in thickness is initiated in a dicot root, which of the following happens first?
a) Cambial initials between xylem and phloem will divide
b) Pericycle strands, outside the primary xylem will divide
c) Periclinal division takes place, so that the cambium becomes circular
d) Parenchymatous cells between xylem and phloem become meristematic
Qus 3. After two or three years of secondary growth the cortex in dicot roots
a) Remains intact
b) Is completely sloughed away
c) Is largely lost
d) Is converted into cork
Qus 4. Complementary cells of lenticels are
a) Compact and suberised
b) Closely arranged and non suberised
c) Compact and lignified
d) Loose and lignified
Qus 5. In dicot root which tissue becomes dead due to activity of phellogen
a) All tissue outside cortex
b) Tissue outside hypodermis
c) Tissue outside endodermis
d) Tissue outside pericycle
Qus 6. Physiologically functional part of wood is
a) Heart wood only
b) Sap wood only
c) Only primary wood
d) Both heart wood & sap wood
Qus 7 .Which of the following is not a part of stomatal apparatus ?
a) Stomatal aperture
b) Lenticels
c) Guard cells
d) Subsidiary cells
Qus 8. Which is not correct about heartwood
a) It is formed of living cells
b) It contains resins, tannin and other organic contents
c) It is of dark coloured
d) It lies in the central region of secondary xylem
Qus 9. Outer lighter coloured region of wood of tree is
a) Autumn wood
b) Spring wood
c) Heart wood
d) Sap wood
Qus 10 . In plants, during early embryonic condition-
a) All cells of the embryo divide
b) Meristematic activity is confined to single apical cell
c) Meristematic activity is confined to a group of apical cells.
d) Apical & lateral cells only divide
Qus 11. Tissue which develops more due to scarcity of water or tissue which is lignified -
a) Sclerenchyma
b) Collenchyma
c) Parenchyma
d) Meristem
Qus 12. A mature sieve tube differs from a vessel-
a) In lacking a functional nucleus
b) Absence of lignified walls
c) Being nearly dead
d) Lacking cytoplasm
Qus 13. Sieve plates in angiosperms are -
a) Oblique & in lateral walls
b) Pitted & in end wall
c) Oblique & in end wall
d) Straight & in lateral wall
Qus 14. According to histogen theory, during apical organization three histogens are formed. The part differentiated by plerome is-
a) Cortex
b) Xylem & phloem
c) Ground tissue system
d) Stele
Qus 15. T.S. of a material exhibits conjoint, collateral endarch and closed bundles scattered in a ground tissue what should be the material-
a) Monocot root
b) Dicot root
c) Monocot stem
d) Dicot stem
Qus 16. In respect of many grasses, the presence bulliform or motor cells in the upper of epidermis of leaves is to:-
a) Increase the surface area of the leaf
b) Store large amount of water
c) Check transpiration by reducing the surface area of the leaf
d) Bear unicellular trichomes
Qus 17. Most conspicuous annual rings are formed in-
a) Temperate evergreen plants
b) Tropical deciduous
c) Temperate deciduous plants
d) Tropical evergreen
Qus 18. Spring wood (early wood) differs with autumn wood (late wood) in-
a) Size of vessels and tracheids
b) Thickness of cell wall
c) Amount of wood
d) All the above
Qus 19. If a stem is girdled
a) Root dies first
b) Shoot dies first
c) Both die together
d) None of the above die
Qus 20 .Sap wood differ from heart wood in being-
a) Darker and non conducting
b) Softer and non conducting
c) Lighter and conducting
d) Harder, darker and less conducting