Top 100 important full forms of science in biology
1. SAN full form = sino ventricular node
ECG full form- electrocardiograph
3. CAD full form = coronary artery Disease
4. PCT full form= proximal convoluted tubule
5. GFR full form= glemurular filtration rate
6. DCT full form= distal convoluted tubule
7. PEM full form= protein energy malnutrition
8. PPLO full form = pleuro pneumonia like organisms
9. ER full form = endoplasmic rediculam
10. SER full form=smooth endoplasmic reticulum
ECG full form- electrocardiograph
3. CAD full form = coronary artery Disease
4. PCT full form= proximal convoluted tubule
5. GFR full form= glemurular filtration rate
6. DCT full form= distal convoluted tubule
7. PEM full form= protein energy malnutrition
8. PPLO full form = pleuro pneumonia like organisms
9. ER full form = endoplasmic rediculam
10. SER full form=smooth endoplasmic reticulum
frequently ask biology full form
1. RV full form= residual volume
2. Rh full form= rous factor
3. PNS full form= peripheral nervous system
4. PEM full form= protein energy malnutrition
5. IUD full form= intra uterine devices
6. CNS full form= Central nervous system
7. CSF full form= cerebrospinal fluid
8. DBT full form= diastolic blood pressure
9. DCT full form= distal convoluted tubule
10. AVN full form=atrio ventricular node
most useful biology full form
1. BMR full form= basal metabolic rate
2. WHO full form= world health organisation
5. VC full form= vital capacity
3. WBC full form= white blood cell
4. RBC full form= red blood cell
6. TRH full form= thyrotropin releasing hormone
7. TLC full form= total lung capacity
8. SV full form= stroke volume
9. IRV full form= inspiratory reserve volume
10. SBP full form= systolic blood pressure
commonly used full forms in biology
1. ICSI full form = intra cytoplasmic sperm injection
2.ART full form = assisted reproductive technology
3. STD full form = sexually transmitted diseases
4. GD full form= general diseases
5. RTI full form= reproductive tract infection
6. AIDS full form= acquired immunity deficiency syndrome
7. CAPD full form= continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
8. ANS full form= autonomic nervous system
9. BP full form= blood pressure
10. AVN full form= atrioventricular node
biology important Full form name
1. ANF full form atrial natriuretic factor
2. PTH full form = parathyroid hormone
3. HPL full form= human placental lactogen
4. HCG full form= human chorionic gonadotropin
5. RCH full form= reproductive and child health care
6. MTP full form= medical termination of pregnancy
7. IUI full form= intra utrerine insemination
8. IVF full form =in vitro fertilization
9. GIFT full form= gamete intrafallopian transfer
10. ZIFT full form= zygote intrafallopian transfor
very useful biology Full form name
1. LH full form = luteinizing hormone
2. STH full form = somatotropin hormone
3. ICSH full form = interstitial cell stimulating hormone
4. MSH full form = melanocyte stimulating hormone
5. ADH full form = antidiuretic hormone
6. HCG full form = human chorionic gonadotropin
7. HCT full form = human chorionic thyrotropin
8. HCS full form =human chorionic somatomammotropin
9. CCK full form =gastrin secretin cholecystokinin
10. GIP full form = gastric inhibitory peptide
biology Full form name
1. ATP full form =Adenosine triphosphate
2. ADP full form = Adenosine diphosphate
3. APP full form =adenosine pyrophosphate
4. ICBN full form = international code for botanical nomenclature
5. ICZN full form= international code of Zoological nomenclature
6. LTH full form = lactorophic hormone
7. ACTH full form= adrenocorticotropic hormone
8. TSH full form= thyroid stimulating hormone
9. GH full form= growth hormone
10. FSH full form= follicle stimulating